This will be your first small Android Application (hw7) and consists of 2 parts - a short written part and a coded app.
Due Week 9
In no more than a few paragraphs each, answer the following questions:
Due Week 10
You will write an app that will figure out what a person is doing (called activity recognition) and based on if they have been sitting for "too long", generate a notification.
Note: this is a team project. You must work in teams of 2 (or 1 group of 3 if there is an odd number of students) to design and code your solution.
Your app should note what the user is doing now (perhaps sitting, walking, running, driving, ... check on what is supported) and accumulate how long they have been sitting.
If they have not been sitting (defined as doing the same alternative activity for some specific time), reset the accumulated time.
If they have been sitting for "too long", the send them a notification of some sort.
Week 9 In-class Activities: