DPSD - Android Project 2
Step 1:
Designing Screens
First convert your wireframes into activities and fragments supporting styles for a minimum of two
resolutions. (Please refer to link http://developer.android.com/about/dashboards/index.html for popular screen sizes and
If you are creating your activities using the WYSIWYG editor then make sure of
the following:
All Android Resources are identified by their id in Java source code.
Declarative approach on Resources
Means -
that ID tableRow1 will create if it does not already exist.
Formal structure
refers to drawable, attr, id, layout, etc in R.java
Be careful not to use duplicate names in entire project as these are declared static.
Declare each referencable User Interface and Activity with its own String Declarative
For e.g.
<TextView android:id="@+id/billTextView"
Use the following convention to name each activity:
Step 2: Designing Presentation Tier (Mainly for Input/Output)
Determine Intents for each activity based on your Navigation Flow.
- It is a good idea to
organize code for each intent using a separate file for each defined activity.
- If an intent
involves usage of two activities the presentation code then the code can be placed in
either activity file.
- If it makes sense you can / should create sub packages for
application sub components.
Step 3:
Designing Content Provider(For Storage)
- Create DB Schema (if one is required) for storing data locally. Represent the schema
using Crow Notation or UML Notation.
- Please make sure you are following rules of
Database Normalization when appropriate.
- Setup a package called DBLayout in
your src
folder and add a class for each entity's
CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete Operation).
Step 4:
Designing Application Tier (for business logic)
- Design entities and relationship between them. These would be placed
your entities
- This step should create objects to be utilized in presentation tier. The object should be
exposed to presentation tier using a set of business method.
- I encourage you to not
ignore this hard design requirement. I have seen several Android Apps that look like
scripts with a single file populated with inner classes and methods that belong to
business logic layer
- Properly design your listeners and other classes and place them in the
appropriate package(s).
- You should think about using interfaces and abstract classes as appropriate to expose
functionality to presentation layer.
Step 5:
Designing Integration Tier
- Separate out interactions with applications on same device or remote
- Create a package called wservices for organizing your Integration Tier.
- Create subpackages called
for local and remote services.
- Create
interfaces for local and remote services for both client and server side.
- If you are
accessing an existing service like Facebook then write interfaces for local service(s).
Package the code demonstrating your design in a single document and submit.