Demo or Die! Project 2 Final Presentations
In your final presentation your main goal is to get us excited about
your project and see how cool of an Android App it is!
Do make sure to focus your entire presentation on the interesting aspects of your project, both in presenting your design and demoing your app. In words, login, logout, and creating accounts, are generally not interesting, so skip those parts (unless you do have something interesting).
You should:
- Start by showing us your Video Advertisement.
- Introduce your team members and share with your audience the motivation(s) you had for creating this product.
Be sure to highlight what inspired the idea and note that pitching the App itself, in combination with your Video Ad,
is important at this step.
- Give a review of your design, covering the high-level components. Feel free to reference your documentation directly, hitting the highlights of what was fun, challenging, or interesting.
- Tell us how using patterns (or not using patterns) effected the overall quality of your end-product.
- Present the important "lessons learned" from the prior assignments that your group applied in Project 2.
- Point out what makes your app cool from a technical perspective. What was the most difficult technical challenge and how did you solve it?
- Point out any parts that are not working or need improvement (in other words, don't make us find your bugs or the limitations in your app).
- Finally do a demo of your Project 2 and answer any questions your audience has. (Plan on approximately 15 minutes for the demo and Q&A)
Please note that you will be evaluated on the quality of your documentation and your presentation, so make sure you do a good, professional job on this aspect. Here are some design resources courtesy of PCR (Public Communication for Researchers) at CMU.