is a code example from a set of tutorials from showing how to access CGI variables.
AUTH_TYPE - Gives authorization type in Authorization header, if one is available(basic or digest.)
CONTENT_LENGTH - For POST Requests only. Size in Bytes indicating the size of data in POST.
CONTENT_TYPE - designate the MIME Type of attached data.
DOCUMENT_ROOT - Provides name of the real directory corresponding to the URL
HTTO_XXX_YYYY - gives information on HTTP Request header
PATH_INFO - gives path information attached to the URL after the address of the servlet - but before query data
PATH_TRANSLATED - gives path information mapped to the real path on the server
QUERY_STRING - Provides raw data in the servlet
REMOTE_ADDR - Indicates the IP Address of the client that made the request
REMOTE_HOST - Indicates fully qualified Domain name
REMOTE_USER - If authorization header is available, then the user information accessed can be used for session tracking
REQUEST_METHOD - gives information on the method type.
SCRIPT_NAME - gives path to the servlet name
SERVER_NAME - host name
SERVER_PORT - information about the port that the server is listening on
SERVER_PROTOCOL - gives protocol name and version egHTTP/1.0 or 1.1
SERVER_SOFTWARE - information about webserver