PlayStrings Program

Write an application called PlayStrings that does the following:

Prompt the user for two strings, trim them, and then process the two strings to generate output matching the sample shown below.

The sample is based on if the user entered "abcde " for the first string and " wxyZ" for the second (note the space at the beginning). Your program should handle whatever input the user gives, so don't hard-code the output that comes from processing the strings.

The first string is: abcde
It is 5 characters long.
The substring of the first two letters is: ab

The second string is:  wxyZ
It is 4 characters long.
The substring of the last two letters is: yZ

The two strings concatenated together are: abcdewxyZ
It is 9 characters long.
The index of the first c in the concatenated string is: 2
The combined string with every e replaced with Q is: abcdQwxyZ

The two strings concatenated and in all caps is: ABCDEWXYZ
The two strings concatenated and in all lower case is: abcdewxyz

BIG Hint: Read the online documentation for the String Class! Ch. 14 in your book covers String objects, but see if you can understand the online documentation for the String class to complete this program.