Create a Class: TimeEntry Assignment

Use vi and the command-line to complete this program.

Write a class called TimeEntry that represents an entry in a time sheet. We will discuss this in class before you start.

Your TimeEntry class should have 3 attributes:
  1. timestamp  - make this of class Date (what should you do to learn about the Date class?)
  2. hoursWorked - what datatype should this be?
  3. comments - what datatype should this be?
Write a program called TestTimeEntry to test your new class:

More Notes:

Here is the signature to use for your toString() method in the TimeEntry class:

public String toString()

Note: You should use this signature to write toString() for every helper class you ever write.

In your TestTimeEntry program, use this statement to display your TimeEntry object (called timeEntry below):


Turn in both of your source files via Canvas.