Any line of input that matches the search string that sed is checking for will be processed.
The basic syntax for calling sed is:
sed -e'editing instruction' file
If you do not pass in a file name, it gets its input from standard input.
sed -e '/^[ ]*$/d' file1 # deletes all the lines that are, or look blank
# (that's a space and a tab inside the square
# brackets).
sed -e 's/[Dd]og/cat/g' file1 # changes the word dog or Dog
# to cat across the whole line
cat file1 | sed 's/\\/\//g' # what do these do?
cat file1 | sed -n '2,4p'
cat file1 | sed -n '75,$p'
ls *.JPG | sed 's/JPG/jpg/g'