04-330 HW11

Skills: Technical Understanding, Communication, and Presentation Skills

Technical Investigation and Presentation

For this project you will work in teams to investigate a technical topic and give a 20-minute presentation during classtime. Presentations will be given the final week of the semester. Please plan on about 15 minutes to present, with 5 minutes of Q&A.

You will work in groups of 4-5 students (depending on the number of students in the course), for a total of 5 teams. You may choose your own teams. Note that this is a requirement!



Each team will investigate and present one of the folloing 8 topics, which will be assigned in class:

  1. Exceptions (Java)
  2. Formatted printing (C/C++ and Java)
  3. Thread Pools (Java)
  4. Files and Streams (Java versus C/C++)
  5. Functional Programming and Lambda Expressions
    (C++, Java, Python)
  1. STL versus Collections (C++ and comparison to Java)
  2. Value Semantics (C++)
  3. Multidimensional Arrays (Java)
  4. The Garbage Collector (Java)
  5. Pointers with Arrays, Classes, and struct (C/C++)
  6. C struct versus C++ Classes (C/C++)


  1. Presentation 50%

    25% will be for the group, 25% will be individual

    Specific areas of evaluation include:

    • Presentation is within the stated timeframe.
    • Visual aids are clear and readable.
    • Each member of the group contributes.
    • Smooth transitions.
    • Interesting presentation.
    • Good, appropriate use of the whiteboard.
    • Good responses during Q&A.

    • The speaker can be heard.
    • The speaker can be understood.
    • The speaker gives clear and accurate explanations.
    • When questioned, the speaker gives clear and accurate answers.
    • The speaker demonstrates understanding of the topic.
    • The speaker engages the audience.

  2. Technical Content 50%

    Specific areas of evaluation for both the presentation and documentation include:

    • Documentation is well written and organized.
    • Understandable technical explanations.
    • No technical errors.
    • Technical coverage is at the appropriate level.
    • Good, clear explanations of usefulness/relevance.
    • Good, clear, and targeted code examples/snippets.

    Your presentation material must be reviewed by the Writing Lab or by making an appoint directly with Lucy-Anna, Jessica, or Jenny during Week 14.

    Note: Each member of the group must be present for this review.


  1. Your instructor
  2. Your TAs
  3. Your textbook
  4. The online Java API Documentation
  5. The online Java Tutorials

Note: The Internet is not listed - do NOT do undirected Google searches. Your Instructor and TAs will help you properly scope your investigation and presentation topics.