For this project you will work in teams to investigate a technical topic and give a
20-minute presentation during classtime. Presentations will be given the final week of the semester.
Please plan on about 15 minutes to present, with 5 minutes of Q&A.
You will work in groups of 4-5 students (depending on the number of students in the course), for
a total of 5 teams. You may choose your own teams.
Note that this is a requirement!
- Review of your presentation material is due by the Friday of Week 14 (Nov 29).
- Your final documentation is due BEFORE presentations, which means BEFORE
Wednesday of Week 15 (last day of classes).
No documentation will be accepted afer 10am on Wednesday, Dec 4.
Note: your documentation may include more that can be presented within the allotted time, so
focus on the essential areas during your presentations.
- Presentations are given on the last day of classes, Wednesday of Week 15.
Each team will investigate and present one of the folloing 8 topics, which will be assigned in
- Exceptions (Java)
- Formatted printing (C/C++ and Java)
- Thread Pools (Java)
- Files and Streams (Java versus C/C++)
- Functional Programming and Lambda Expressions
(C++, Java, Python)
- STL versus Collections (C++ and comparison to Java)
- Value Semantics (C++)
- Multidimensional Arrays (Java)
- The Garbage Collector (Java)
- Pointers with Arrays, Classes, and struct (C/C++)
- C struct versus C++ Classes (C/C++)
- Presentation 50%
25% will be for the group, 25% will be individual
Specific areas of evaluation include:
- Presentation is within the stated timeframe.
- Visual aids are clear and readable.
- Each member of the group contributes.
- Smooth transitions.
- Interesting presentation.
- Good, appropriate use of the whiteboard.
- Good responses during Q&A.
- The speaker can be heard.
- The speaker can be understood.
- The speaker gives clear and accurate explanations.
- When questioned, the speaker gives clear and accurate answers.
- The speaker demonstrates understanding of the topic.
- The speaker engages the audience.
- Technical Content 50%
Specific areas of evaluation for both the presentation and documentation include:
- Documentation is well written and organized.
- Understandable technical explanations.
- No technical errors.
- Technical coverage is at the appropriate level.
- Good, clear explanations of usefulness/relevance.
- Good, clear, and targeted code examples/snippets.
Your presentation material must be reviewed by the Writing Lab
or by making an appoint directly with Lucy-Anna, Jessica, or Jenny during Week 14.
Note: Each member of the group must be present for this review.
- Your instructor
- Your TAs
- Your textbook
- The online Java API Documentation
- The online Java Tutorials
Note: The Internet is not listed - do NOT do undirected Google searches. Your
Instructor and TAs will help you properly scope your investigation and presentation topics.