Here's a hint: only the Triangle class require any extra, and it have ONLY 1 additional one.
The RectanglePG class can be coded without any extra ones.
The HalfCirclePG class could use 1 or 2 extra, but it is not required for this assignment. Again, can you figure out what they might be?
Hint: technically, there is one class that should override setShapeSize() - can you think what this is and why? Note: Post this on Piazza if you figure it out; if not, then don't worry about it.
Make sure you are ready to discuss the complex classes during lecture:
How does this affect your child-class design?
How does this affect the methods that need to be overidden, such as paint(), toString(), setShapeSize(), setBoundingRectangle, setShapeLocation(), setCenter(), ...?
Note: No one has asked about the prompting for the IceCreamConePG class test program - might be a good idea for you to discuss on Piazza ... This will help you with your class design too, and I have give you permission to discuss it, but remember no posting code!