Skills: All

New Classes: URL, JEditPane

Project Description

In this program you will write a GUI program to process a web page.

To complete this program, you will use all the Java and problem-solving skills we have covered so far.

You will be required to design, code, and test your solution with minimal guidance which will mostly be provided through trouble-shooting your in-progress code during OH.

You are encouraged to review your progress with your TAs and instructors, who will discuss your algorithms and code, neither of which will be provided to you.

Please note that this is not a group project.

Details of Program:


You will each encounter different challenges, which will not necessarily be explicitly discussed during the course meeting times. In general, you will NOT be able to finish this program without coming to OH, so make sure you talk with us for assistance!


You will solve this problem as a scavenger hunt. As you complete each Phase, you will be given the next set of instructions. You are NOT allowed to share the instructions with your colleagues; access to successive Phases may only come through the authorized channel, which will be explained to you and may include talking to and/or emailing your TAs or instructor.

Summary of HW9 Phases:

  1. Phase 1 is setup. It is available now: HW9 Phase1.

  2. Phase 2 is investigation and the start of coding some of your classes and methods. You will get your secret link for Phase 2 instructions from the HW9 Phase1 Autolab file checker.

  3. Phase 3 is to start coding the basic functionality of the project, including parsing web pages to look for the links. You will get your secret link for Phase 3 instructions from the HW9 Phase2 Autolab file checker.

  4. Phase 4 is to complete coding of the project, including following all the links. You will get your secret link for Phase 4 instructions from the HW9 Phase3 Autolab file checker.

Summary of Target Due-Dates:

  1. Phase 1, est time: 30 minutes.
    Due: By Friday Lab, Week 12.

  2. Phase 2, est time: 2-3 hours.
    Target Finish: After Friday Lab, Week 12.

  3. Phase 3 est time: 6-10 hours.
    Target: Start Weekend, Week 12.
    Target: Finish during Friday Lab, Week 13.
    Target Finish: Saturday, Week 13.

  4. Phase 4 est time: 6-12 hours. More for perfection!
    Target: Start during Friday Lab, Week 13.
    Target Finish: Finish during Friday Lab, Week 14.
    Due: Friday, Week 14, by 4pm.