04-330 HW9 - Phase 1

Skills: creating a project, creating source files, designing and coding classes

New Classes:

Submission Instructions

Make your submission in Autolab to the HW9Phase1 checker.

You are are expected to submit a single zipfile of the directory with all the files in it. The name of the directory must be your andrew ID.

The autograder will check for the directory and then check for all the Phase 1 files. If these two conditions are met, your personal access to Phase 2 instructions will be revealed.

Phase 1: Setup

In this phase you will setup your Project and start creating the source files.

When complete, you will submit the files to the Autolab filechecker - all source files must be submitted and must compile. Once you have completed this task you will be given access to Phase 2 instructions.

Estimated completion time: 30 minutes. Aim to be done before the Friday lab after HW9 is assigned.

  1. SiteIndex: your main program. It should run your SiteIndexGUI (use your PlayGame for Hangman as an example).

  2. TestSiteIndex: your test program.

  3. SiteIndexGUI: your GUI.

    Be sure to follow the pattern taught in class.

  4. URLUtils: class with helpful static methods for working with URLs.

  5. HTMLLink: helper class to represent an HTML link.

    Try designing this class yourself.

  6. WebCrawler: helper class for processing ("crawling") the website.

  7. IndexGenerator: helper class for generating the index file(s);

  8. terms.txt: list of terms you would like your crawler to find in the website.