getText() - returns the entire contents of the text object (i.e. what the user typed in.)
setText(String text) - set the contents of the text object. This can be used to re-set a text object to a default value.
setEditable(boolean canEdit) - if canEdit is true, the user can edit the text in the text object.
isEditable() - returns true if the user can edit the text object,
false if they cannot.
JTextField(String initText) - create the text field and initialize it to initText.
JTextField(int columns) - columns are "approximate".
setEchoCharacter(char c) - Show the specified character as the user types instead of the characters they are entering (used for passwords). In 1.1, this method has been renamed to setEchoChar().
echoCharacterIsSet(char c) - returns true if an echo character is being
used, false if what the user types is echoed on the screen.
In 1.1, this method has been renamed to echoCharIsSet().
JTextArea(int nrows, int ncols) - create the text area with the specified number of rows and columns.
JTextArea(String initText, int nrows, int ncols) - create the text area with the specified number of rows and columns and initialize it to initText.
appendText(String text) - add text to the end of the text area.
insertText(String text, int pos) - insert text into the
character position specified. Note this is not a column position, but an
index into the character array in the text area.