Welcome to CMU!
- | Instructors | Cathy Bishop and Edwin Kairu bishop@africa.cmu.edu ekairu@alumni.cmu.edu |
- | Essential Links
Java Programming |
Meeting Times |
Chi/Pi Groups:
TAs (Please talk to us, that's what we're paid for!) | ||||||||
Distinquished TA: Papias Niyigena
Phone: +250788548000
Petero Niyodusenga
Phone: +250788489758
Jeannette Mukamana
Phone: +250785115074 |
Pascal Ntuyahaga
Phone: +250783524524 |
Bernard Dushimimana
Phone: +250782769303 |
Aline Abimana
Phone: +250782114417 |
Lenah Chacha
Phone: +250 734 289 787 |
Ihirwe Felicien
Phone: +250784869098 |
Benjamin Munyoki
Phone: +250783829890 |
You are expected to spend about 2 hours each night preparing for the next day's meeting in addition to your daily study time. Most likely you will be finishing up the coding projects we start during our meeting times, but some days you will also have specific tasks to finish in order to be ready for the next day.
In general, programming assignments will be due the in the morning before sessions start, by 8:30 am. We do not accept any late work, so be sure to submit what you have ON TIME!
Note: I will make available more work than you can finish in your alloted time; this is your opportunity to practice your study and time-management skills.
Note: The schedule will be adjusted as necessary as we progress through the material. I will posted a tentative schedule, but it will be adjusted as we go, depending on how much of the programming we complete during our class meetings.
Our overall goal is to cover problem solving and introduce coding techniques that you will use throughout your time here at CMU. We plan to cover Linux and Java, and perhaps a little MatLab, C/C++, JavaScript, or Python. The programming sessions during Orientation are designed to be fun and challenging and to prepare you for the programming start of the semester, either 04-330 Fundamentals of Software Development and Problem Solving (PFUN) or 18-641 Design Pattern for Smartphone Develipment (DPSD).
Topics: Welcome to CMU-Africa, Laptops, and Setup Linux
Programming 1
13:40 - 15:20 |
Assignments | Friday, July 27 (Day 1) |
Tasks: Due Monday by 8:30am.
Readings: Due Monday by 8:30am at the latest.
Overview, Problem Solving, Linux
Programming 2
09:30 - 12:20 Pi 01:30 - 03:30 Chi |
Assignments | Monday, July 30 (Day 2) |
Tasks: Due Today
Readings: Due Tomorrow by 8am at the latest.
Programming 3
09:30 - 12:20 Chi 01:30 - 03:30 Pi |
Assignments | Tuesday, July 31 (Day 3) |
Tasks: Due Today by 8am.
Readings: Due Tomorrow by 8am at the latest. |
Programming 4
09:30 - 12:20 Pi 01:30 - 03:30 Chi |
Assignments | Wednesday, August 1 (Day 4) |
Tasks: Due Today by 8am.
Readings: Due Tomorrow by 8am at the latest.
Programming 5
09:30 - 12:20 Chi 01:30 - 03:30 Pi |
Assignments | Thursday, August 2 (Day 5) |
Today by the end of Study Time.
Tasks: Due Monday by 8am.
Readings: Due Monday by 8am at the latest.
Problem Solving, Finish up Linux, Start Java
Programming 6
09:30 - 12:20 Pi 01:30 - 03:30 Chi |
Assignments | Monday, August 6 (Day 6) |
Tasks: Due Today by 8am:
Readings: Due Tomorrow by 8am at the latest.
Programming 7
09:30 - 12:20 Chi 01:30 - 03:30 Pi |
Assignments (due before class) | Tuesday, August 7 (Day 7) |
Tasks: Due Today by 8am:
Tasks: Due Tomorrow by 8am at the latest.
Programming 8
09:30 - 12:20 Chi 01:30 - 03:30 Pi |
Assignments | Wednesday, August 8 (Day 8) |
Tasks: Due Today by 8am
Tasks: Due Tomorrow by 8am
Readings: Due Tomorrow by 8am at the latest.
Tasks: Due Friday by 8am
Programming 9
09:30 - 12:20 Chi 01:30 - 03:30 Pi |
Assignments | Thursday, August 9 (Day 9) |
Tasks: Due Today by 8am
By the end of today, make sure you can |
Tasks: Due Tomorrow by 8am
Tasks: Due Tomorrow by 6pm
Programming 10
09:30 - 12:20 Pi 01:30 - 03:30 Chi |
Assignments | Friday, August 10 (Day 10) |
Tasks: Due Today by 8am
Tasks: Due Monday by 8am.
Readings: Due Monday by 8am at the latest.
Note: We will not meet Wednesday, August 15 as it is a holiday.
Java, Prepare for the start of the semester, A little C
Programming 11
09:30 - 12:20 Chi 01:30 - 03:30 Pi |
Assignments | Monday August 13 (Day 11) |
Tasks: Due Today by 8am
Tasks: Due Tomorrow by 8am at the latest.
Make sure Eclipse is set up and running on your machine by the end of Study Time today.
Readings: Due Tomorrow by 8am at the latest.
Programming 12
09:30 - 12:20 Pi 01:30 - 03:30 Chi |
Assignments | Tuesday, August 14 (Day 12) |
Tasks: Due Today by 8am
Tasks: Due Thursday by 8am
Readings: Due Thursday by 8am at the latest.
No class Wednesday - enjoy your holiday.
Programming 13
09:30 - 12:20 Chi 01:30 - 03:30 Pi |
Assignments | Thursday, August 16 (Day 13) |
Tasks: Due Today by 8am
Tasks: Due Tomorrow by 8am.
Programming 14
09:30 - 12:20 Pi 01:30 - 03:30 Chi |
Assignments | Friday, August 17 (Day 14) |
Tasks: Due Today by 8am
Tasks: Due Saturday by 10pm
Due Monday by 8am at the latest. |